competition BBQ

Dear BBQ Friend: I just finished a good book on cooking competition quality barbecue entitled “Competition BBQ Secrets”. It’s one of the few books around that give you ALL the details on how to slow smoke ribs, chicken, butts, and brisket. Important information like times and temperatures are not left to chance. Included also are … Read more

What is the best wood for smoking

Fire up the grill

Wood Chips and Smoking     Cooking with wood chips has been a favorite with BBQ chefs since the first fire.  In recent times we have become so sophisticated with our tastes and techniques that cooking with wood has become an art.  Many individuals refuse to cook with propane or natural gas for fear of … Read more

BBQ season is here

IMG_1325Thinking about smoking some Chicken on the grill?

First make a brine of 1 cup salt and 1 cup sugar and 3 tbs olive oil with 2 quarts of water. Soak 4# chicken breast,thigh,druns  in brine for two hours Pat dry with paper towel.

Make a aluminum pouch with four soaked apple wood above flame with a small pan of water off to the side.Cook chicken skin side up away from flame for one and half hours or till internal temp reaches 168 degrees

See you in the back yard


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